#MonteCrypto - The Bitcoin Enigma Is A Game offers 1 x Bitcoin to anyone who solves it
MonteCrypto: The Bitcoin Enigma is a new game on Steam that costs $1.99, offers 1 x Bitcoin prize to solve itHome News Crypto-currency and mining new game Steam offers 1 x bitcoin to anyone résoutMonteCrypto: The Bitcoin Enigma is a new game on steam that costs $1.99, offers 1 x bitcoin price to solve it by: Anthony Garreffa.
The new puzzle game was developed by Gem Rose Collective, and launched on February 20 with a set of puzzles in a maze, where once the game is over, the one and only winner leaves with a BTC, valued at over $10 000 in writing.Mobile App Development - Entertainment, Game and Puzzle App for IOS and Android.
Gem Rose is very secretive right now, where they said in their press release: "We are trying to keep our identities secret at the moment, but we can say that we are a group of game developers and that we have had a crazy gaming idea." As huge treasure hunt fans we took inspiration from puzzles like the Golden Chorette, a statue of the owl was buried in 1993 at the same time as a series of clues was published, and no one has yet solved the clues to find the owl and Claim the statue of 15kg (33lb) made of gold and silver.