Monday, 5 March 2018

How do I master ionic framework?

How do I master ionic framework? : Learn to Build & Deploy Native Speed HTML5 Based Apps

WEB Development technologies have evolved at an incredible rate in recent years.We moved from a rudimentary DOM manipulation with libraries such as jQuery to supercharged Web applications organized and powered by sleek MV * frameworks like AngularJS. Add to this significant increases in browser rendering speed, and it's now easier than ever to create quality production applications in addition to Javascript, HTML5, and CSS3. Continue reading Digital marketing agency malta.

Although this progress has been incredible, they are just beginning to affect the clear platform of the future: Mobile. For years, mobile rendering speeds were atrocious, and the MVC frameworks and user interface libraries provided by IOS and Android were far superior to writing mobile applications using WEB technologies. There were also some very public failures-Facebook wrote its first IOS application in 2011 using HTML5, but ended up putting it off due to terrible performance.  continue reading best web design company in Malta.

For years, native application developers have mocked and mocked hybrid applications because they are clumsy and ugly, have poor performance, and have no advantage over native applications. Although these reasons may have been valid in 2011, they are now virtually unfounded, thanks to a set of new technologies that have emerged in the last two years. With these technologies, you can design, build, and deploy robust mobile applications faster than with native technologies, while at the same time incur little or no performance penalties. This is largely due to the speed of rendering the mobile browser super fast and better JavaScript performance. This course is designed to teach you how to use these new technologies effectively to create incredibly awesome mobile applications.

Without further delay, we would like to welcome you to the future development of mobile applications, freed from native channels and frames. Let's learn what the new mobile stack is and how it works.

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